Social Media: Making The Most Out Of Twitter

Hand holding a bluebird

Twitter can be a great asset for both personal and business purposes. Most people already know how to keep a successful personal Twitter account… (Use humor, tweet selfies and try not to get in fights with Justin Bieber fans). But do you know how to use Twitter successfully for your company?

Here are some tips…

Know who is following you. – Make sure you know the demographics of who follows you. Know what they enjoy and don’t enjoy. Measure what Tweets bring in new followers, like which get replies and which get retweets.

Increase Engagement. – Ask questions to your followers. When you ask questions to a group of people who are most likely your target market, you get valuable inside information for completely free. Contests are also a great way to keep your followers engaged.

Use Images. – Even though Twitter was designed mainly for 140 character blurbs, adding an image can often increase the engagement on the post. However this comes with two caveats. One – use images sparingly. Don’t include an image with every post because an image can often deteriorate the importance of the text in the Tweet. Two – when you post an image, don’t just “share using Instagram”. Sure, the image is easily posted on the twitter account. However, it also posts a URL that can be distracting from the image and text.

Have a personality. – People enjoy when your company’s Twitter profile has a one distinct personality. A great example of this is the Taco Bell Twitter page. They incorporate humor and wit into every tweet.

Respond! – Your customers / fans / clients are taking the time to send a tweet to you, make sure you respond! Nothing is worse than tweeting at a company and not having them respond. Once I flew Virgin Airlines, and they misplaced my luggage. I shot a “strongly worded” tweet at them. Within minutes they responded with how they are working on the problem, and how they will reimburse me for an outfit to wear that night. Success!

Overall make sure that your company’s Twitter profile leaves its followers with a positive image of the brand.


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