Connecting Emotion to the Healthcare Space

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Relationships mean everything in healthcare and emotions are key to creating these connections. This is precisely why healthcare companies must go beyond classic left-brained rationale if they truly want to connect with their customers.

Without compelling, emotion-driven marketing, your customers may have heard about you, but they may not find you, or worse, even care to. That means you need insightful conversations and communication, data-driven understanding about the customer journey, and personalized digital experiences.

Regardless of whether you are currently involved in managed care, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, a medical practice or you are a patient or caregiver, studies and tools such as emotional analytics have shown that understanding emotional, behavioral and psychographic insights can positively influence the decision-making process.

The combination of psychology, big data and creative design is a powerful strategy for companies to fulfill their customers’ deep, often unconscious, desires and behavior. Whether it’s a hospital cafeteria upgrade or a gene therapy breakthrough, customers want to be talked to in a way that makes them feel valued, empowered and educated.

Think about what makes healthcare employees and patients feel they are included in decision-making situations. By considering their feelings, emotions, reactions, questions and fears you can provide a better understanding of their options, the ability to research potential solutions and, above all, help in maintaining a sense of hope.

This is the moment where you and emotion-driven marketing can build a unique, relevant and invaluable connection with your customers.

So listen carefully as your customers talk about their experiences, then create meaningful and relevant messaging that shows you can attract and hold their attention. Challenge your customers to change their behavior by offering better reasoning or a different experience. Bring real relevance — not just rehashed focus group or social chatter — to your brand stories.

At every opportunity, position your customers the way they want to feel and be seen – as informed, intelligent, compassionate individuals. The resulting content you create has the power to deepen that sense of customer pride, which in turn can motivate response and strengthen brand loyalty.

Appeal to the heart first, then the head.

Share more than sell.

Humanize more than sensationalize.

The research you do on your own and the points of difference you make today can make brand and purchase decisions that much easier for your customers and greater revenue-generating opportunities for you in the future.


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