Marketing To Women: What’s Mom Really Doing Online

Mother with daughter siting on sofa at home and playing with digital tablet pc together

Moms adopt technologies faster than the average American (Punchbowl). 25% of Moms regard themselves as technology experts. Digital Mom’s love for technology is deep. So deep that 49% of married digital moms would give up their engagement ring before giving up their personal technology (McCann).

What Are Moms Doing Online?

Moms are reading and writing blogs. One third of bloggers are moms! They are switching off between their smart phones, tablets and computers to browse the web. Moms are spending their time online shopping, browsing dinner recipes and finding ideas for their kid’s next birthday.

As we all know from being friends with mothers on social media, they love posting pictures of their loved ones. Especially their kids! 56% of online moms share coupons on social media (Punchbowl). Moms these days are also more than twice as likely to reward their children with technology than with chocolate (Forbes).

Mom’s Shopping Habits

Don’t forget about Mom! They represent a $2.4 trillion dollar market, and ¾ of women identify themselves as the primary shopper of the household (MRI Survey of the American Consumer Fall 2011). 95% of Moms seek out digital offers, and 78% of Moms research online to find more information on the product before purchasing (The Next Web).

Moms aren’t just using the computer to shop. 62% of Moms with smartphones use shopping apps. 55% of Moms make purchases because of recommendations from a review on a blog. 36% of Moms admitted to making a purchase due to a sponsored ad on a social network site (She-conomy).

Next time you go out to lunch with Mom, don’t be surprised when she asks for the restaurant’s WIFI password. She’s probably tweeting embarrassing pictures of you eating.


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